Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to Photograph Craft Projects


Many crafters are using the web to sell their items. There are online auction sites, online craft fairs, and places like Etsy to create online shops. The key to selling online is to have crisp, clean photographs of your work. Customers are used to crisp, clear, clean visuals when shopping. A photo that focuses on an item for sale is called a product shot.

You don’t need to invest in the most expensive camera, but if you are serious about selling your work online consider investing in a tripod. Few of us have a steady hand when it comes to holding a camera perfectly still as we click for a photo, a tripod will give you the stability you need to good photos. Some tripods unfold to stand tall while others will only stand 2-3”. The tripod screws onto the base of your camera and a must have for serious photographers. Tripods will help you in normal view and also with macro shots.

Here are some of the best product shot tips from the experts:

•Take your photos outside to get the best light on your items. Cloudy days are best as the filtered light helps bring pop to the photo.

•Display your item in an interesting way, but don’t let the background or display become too busy. You want your item to be the main attraction.

•Contrast your background and item. Light items on dark backgrounds and dark items on light backgrounds.

•Take photos from many different angles and select the one that gives the best view of your item.

•Use a tripod. Shaky hands led to unfocused images. Practice and get comfortable with your camera.

•Take photos from different angles and select the angle that shows off the product best.

•Crop your photos. You don’t need a lot of background, what you need is a nice close up of your work.

For jewelry... using a flatbed scanner is a great way to get a very detailed photo of the jewelry.

This artist used a woman as a model. Your eye goes right to the necklace & you can see just how beautiful it will look as it's used.

If you can't use a model... there are many "Jewelry Mannequin Displays" available.

Glass is a very difficult subject matter. Glass is so reflective that it’s not easy to capture, you need filtered light.

A trick.... for small items, photograph in a cut white gallon milk jug that defuses light.
Cut top quarter off a clean dry milk jug. Set lights outside the jug & you get clean white light with no reflections.


  1. Great topic! I couldn't agree more. These are perfect examples of photographs. I don't know if people need to shoot for perfection, but at least consider how you would shop. You're not going to buy an out of focus piece of jewelry. Great article!!!

  2. Awesome of you to take the time to give these examples as I know this will for sure come in handy for many.

  3. This is great information. I didn't know about the scanner or the milk jug to use as tools in taking great pictures. Thank you.


  4. Love the milk jug tip for glass photos.
    I guess we could call it "milk glass" then no matter what color it is huh - LOL

    Seriously though, this is a nice idea.

    Organically Yours,
